
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

This is my first-ever blog, so your patience would be a virtue! 🙂

I love the shopping channels. I watch all of them whenever I have the chance. I tune in at midnight to check all the top values of the day. That’s when all the fun begins…

I was inspired to create this blog when I discovered that Dave King, a former host from QVC, suddenly re-appeared- on ShopNBC. The last time I was this pleased to see an old shopping channel buddy was when Elliot Smith reappeared on ShopNBC after the demise of the Shop-At-Home channel. I’ve dubbed Elliot Smith, “Elliot Smith, the Man Who Never Sleeps.” He’s on at any hour any day of the week. I turn on ShopNBC and there he is happily hawking televisions, computers and other fun techno-toys. I’ll watch him sell anything, he’s like a little hummingbird on steroids. Love the dude. He must not see his family much, considering he seems to be on the air ’round the clock… but I digress!

When I get home from a day of playing music in nursing homes, I want to be entertained. I don’t want to know who died, or what blew up where, or the state of the union or the economy. I want to SHOP. I don’t necessarily buy, but I gotta look. It costs nothing to look,  and being a former Girl from Long Island, I was born to shop, it’s in my DNA.  So here I am, and every night at midnight Eastern Time, I’m surfing QVC for the Today’s Special Value, HSN for Today’s Special, and Shop NBC for Our Top Value. If there’s somethin’ good I’ll tell you. If there’s something bad. I’ll tell you. If it’s a Big Whup  you’ll be the first to know! The Big Whup  (derived from whupty-doo) is  characterized by stuff like GPS systems, The Butt-Ugly Handbag Show, Snake Oil (cosmetics that we wouldn’t buy on a bet), and EGADS, shoot me now, the coin shows. (What could be more boring than coins live on the air. LOL!!!)

So everybody tune in at midnight, and check back  in here. Let the games begin! 🙂

  • None
  • HONORA Pearls: Thanks so much for the mention! Just a though on doing your dishes with your pearls. Regardless if they are stretch or not, you want to beware of ex
  • Wedley: Why are they so expensive, I could not beleive my eyes, a ridiculous price. Good luck
  • lilspeth: I'm a big fan of makeup but quality stuff usually geared for sensitive skin. The trouble is most women choose the wrong colors and put too much on in
