
Posts Tagged ‘HP

Love that Diamonique! 🙂  I’ve got lots of it, definitely not as much as the serious collectors, but I’ve got a bunch of rings, a bracelet, and the everybody-on-the-planet-has-one circle pendant.  One can never have too much Diamonique. Having said that, Today’s Special Value on QVC  totally rocks! A three piece ring set, including one piece that acts as a double ring guard, plus two rings that you can wear on their own, plus, and even better, in Ephipany platinum clad… for $80 bucks plus S & H! Who wouldn’t want to own something this gorgeous?  You can not go wrong with this set. PERIOD.

FYI, Diamonique is QVC’s  brand  of  diamond simulant cubic zirconia, and Epiphany is their line of platinum-clad sterling silver. It never tarnishes, it looks like a million bucks, it’s so high-end looking that you’d have to be completely insane to pay top dollar for the real thing!  And even my friends with allergies to silver can wear  Epiphany because the only thing that touches your skin is PLATINUM! I LOVE IT!!!

HSN has an HP digital camera that comes with a photo printer as the Today’s Special for $170 bucks. Comes in different colors, 4 flex pays, free S&H. Cool, that’s a great deal. HSN has some good deals on techno-toys, I’ve gotten some neat stuff from them. But as with all technology, read the specs on the website to make sure that the included software is compatible with the stuff you already own.

But if you need a giggle, there’s a ruffled blouse Our Top Value on ShopNBC that looks like an explosion in a ruffle factory. They’re 20 bucks, the colors are bright,  but I wouldn’t wear that  thing on a bet. FYI, I don’t buy clothing from ShopNBC.  I once ordered a jacket, that arrived in  a size that wouldn’t fit a child. This was AFTER I’d called the customer service to check on the dimensions of the garment before I ordered it! Their customer service… oh PLEASE, don’t get me started…  Several of the reps I dealt with are too stupid to live, and their supervisor was downright nasty.

Regarding customer service, QVC and HSN have really nice people, always polite. QVC is the best. When I call to order, I know I’ll get my questions answered. HSN’s  customer service reps are a bit less informed than their QVC counterparts, and HSN’s automated ordering involves jumping through too many hoops for my taste. My experience with HSN is that I frequently have to hit zero to reach a human when I call. I’m not so fond of that – I like speaking to live humans.

Okay, I’m going back to watching Lisa Mason on QVC. Ah, Diamonique… be still, my heart! 🙂

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  • HONORA Pearls: Thanks so much for the mention! Just a though on doing your dishes with your pearls. Regardless if they are stretch or not, you want to beware of ex
  • Wedley: Why are they so expensive, I could not beleive my eyes, a ridiculous price. Good luck
  • lilspeth: I'm a big fan of makeup but quality stuff usually geared for sensitive skin. The trouble is most women choose the wrong colors and put too much on in
