
Posts Tagged ‘Fall Fashion Day

You know how much I hate GPS systems so the Today’s Special on HSN is the Big Whup, and the Our Top Value on ShopNBC is yet another Invicta watch (oh PLEASE, not again!), so my remote has settled on QVC for the night.

And it’s Fashion Day! The Today’s Special Value is a Susan Graver faux leather mock croc jacket for $36. It’s shiny, has a nice jewel scoop neck, doesn’t look too loose fitting, nor is it too tight, either. It zippers! AND it has 3/4 length sleeves, which I love because I play guitar. It comes in lots of colors. And in case you can’t tell, I SO want at least one, definitely the purple one, I have to have that… (It looks amazing on Rebecca the plus size model, and if it fits well on her, I know it’s a good bet for me). And, I’ll probably alsoĀ  get the black one because I’m a NYer and there are rules. šŸ˜‰ But the blue is a nice lapis color, the brown is compelling and the wine color looks amazing on Lisa Roberts.

Also tempting, are theĀ  Denim & Co. toggle closure sweater jackets with corderoy. Great length, covers the butt and doesn’t look bulky. They look very That 70’s Show, kind of the jacket or sweater-equivalent of comfort food. Comes in a lot of great colors and I want pretty much all of them, but c’MON… I already have to many sweaters and jackets. LOL! Then again, they’re $35 and on two Easy Pays…

Then I want the Denim & Co Essentials 3/4 sleeve crew neck tops. They’re $18 for the first one, and save 4 dollars on each additional, plus you save on S&H. Love most of the colors, particularly the black, hot pink, lapis blue, red… (Oddly enough, I didn’t care for theĀ  lighter purple color. Donno why.). I think $18 is a little high for this item, but nobody asked me. LOL!!! Oh yeah, the other thing I really love about 3/4 inch sleeves… you can see your jewelry, especially if you’re into layering your bracelets with your watch. (I do!!!) Red always comes in handy for the holidays.

The Denim & Co. button down shirts with the french cuff sleeves for about $20 are really great, too. QVC claims that they’re wrinkle-resistant, but I know somebody who owns two of them and has to iron ’em. But they sure do look great on, which is the important thing anyway. But if you hate ironing (which I do!!!), then you’d better own a steamer. (which I do!!!) Love the My Little Steamer by Joy Mangano on HSN.

Okay, I admit it… I caved. I ordered the Today’s Special jacket in purple AND in black. Lovin’ that Today’s Special Value jacket, the more I’ve watched it on the air the better I like it. SO shiny! Washable polyester, too. (Oooo, plastic! LOL!!!) $36 for a faux leather jacket? Can’t go wrong!

By the way, I called first and checked on the bust sizeĀ  before I ordered online, and it’s good thing I did! Yep, it’s aĀ  Susan Graver so it does indeed run large, as do the Denim & Co. EssentialsĀ  3/4 inch sleeve crew neck tops. Got the Apple Red, and yes… I got the the black, too. You just can’t have too many black cotton tops, and they’ll look great under my new TSV jackets!

I’ll most likely check in again during the course of the day. Can’t wait to see what else QVC has in store! šŸ™‚

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  • HONORA Pearls: Thanks so much for the mention! Just a though on doing your dishes with your pearls. Regardless if they are stretch or not, you want to beware of ex
  • Wedley: Why are they so expensive, I could not beleive my eyes, a ridiculous price. Good luck
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